Industry: | Refinery |
Client: | Petron Bataan Refinery |
Petron RMP-2 Refinery Project
Global Energy Solutions was awarded a support contract by Petron Refinery Corporation for commissioing site walkdowns and advisory work and commissioning training and PSSR Pre Startup Safety Review for worldscacle RMP-2 refinery expansion project including:
RMP2 Refinery Units
Dr. Kuyperstraat 14
2514 BB The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel +31 70 311 80 90
Fax +31 70 311 80 99
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Middle East | South East Asia |
India |
Tel +974 879 89664 Fax +974 879 89665 E mail send email |
Tel +65 6725 6331 E mail send email |
Nariman Point, Mumbai E mail send email |