Global Energy has entered the Vietnamese Oil & Gas market early 2008 where contacts were made with Petrovietnam resulting in a services contract for commissioning support and PMC-Services.
To strenghten competencies and expand business oppertunities we now have joined Advanced Energy Technologies INternational (AETIN) a consortium of leading Dutch companies and research institutes active on the international energy market, that have joined forces to offer advanced expertise, technology and solutions for oil and gas projects in Vietnam.
AETIN is established and lead by ‘Vietnam Consult & Trading B.V.’ and jointly financed by Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovations and participating companies. AETIN will provide assistance to her members and organize activities as:
(Trade)missions to Vietnam and to the Netherlands
Market- and feasibility studies
Participating (international) exhibitions
Organizing seminars/conferences and forums to exchanges knowledge and know how
Organizing/ Facilitate joint research & development programs
Facilitate knowledge transfer and training programs in the Netherlands and Vietnam
Setting up demonstration projects in Vietnam
Facilitate cooperation between public bodies
Facilitate to build long lasting partnerships
Facilitate to pilot investment projects
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